Review & Swatches: O.P.I Liquid Sand™ “Pussy Galore”

New nail polish formulas always interest me. Last year was the year of the Crackles. The Crackle was not, and I’m putting this very nicely, my shtick. I applied a Crackle mani about three times, never wanted it again.

However, this year all we nail junkies can talk about are the Liquid Sands™. And boy, oh boy, am I loving these rough, precious, little things. Today I thought it was time to show you one of my all-time favorites: “Pussy Galore”..

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking right now: “Really O.P.I? Pussy Galore? Really?”
And I was kinda there as well, but at this point I can’t get enough of this oh-so-bad name.
Of course, real Bond fans will know this name was taken by James Bond’s “Goldfinger”.
I’m personally not the biggest Bond fan, but who cares, just look at this little stunner.

O.P.I Liquid Sand™: “Pussy Galore” – (€14,25 EUR /$09,00 USD)
Pussy Galore is a gorgeous Pastel Baby Pink with Silver/Light Pink sparkle. Now and then a little dash of bright Magenta sparkle peeks through as well. It’s a winner, you guys. I find Pussy Galore to be very wearable, soft and cute. But it stills makes a statement with its Liquid Sand finish. One thing I do want to put out there: Pussy Galore applies ugly, frosty and is just a damn mess. However, as it dries, its true beauty rises to the surface. I needed two simple coats for my swatch.

So, What’s the verdict?
This might be the shortest nail polish review I’ve ever put online. I’m in love with Pussy Galore. I love the name, the finish.. just everything! If you’re a Soft Pink with some edge lover, you need this in your life.

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13 Responses to Review & Swatches: O.P.I Liquid Sand™ “Pussy Galore”

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