”Grease” One of my most favorite words when talking about makeup.
A couple of months ago when I still had makeup lessons at B Academy our teacher Pascale Tesser
teached us something amazing in the ”Colourfool Lesson”.
I kinda forgot about it, but 2 days ago when I did a show in Amsterdam and my friend showed some of her new work,
I was so inspired, that the following day I tried it out myself!
I’m talking about ”Playing With Grease!!”
Pascale told us that if you have different colors of grease products, you could make anything artsy fartsy you want!
Simply just take your nail, go into the grease and paint your eye.
So I did, and this is my end result!
And it’s so easy! I used MAC Cream Colour Bases, Illamasqua Molten Metals and some mascara!
Add a little bit of Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream on top and you’re good to go.
Pretty much an useless blogpost, But I just wanted to show you this so badly!
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