Today I have another Nail of The Day for all of you!
This time another budget-polish by the lovely brand Essence.
Click Below for more! :)
a couple of days ago I uploaded my first Halloween Tutorial of 2010.
After a couple of minutes the first comments asking what my nail polish color was, came in!
People started saying it HAD to be Sephora by OPI ‘Metro Chic’
But little did they know, This one is a bad ass load cheaper!
This nail polish was only €2,95!
An amazing taupy-brown color that totally reminds me of that shoot Lady Gaga did for Vanity Fair!
Jeez, this blogpost is kinda useless. I’m just telling you guys I love it, and it’s cheap. LOL
SO here’s another pic of the nails, In my Tutorial!
Smooches! X
10 Responses to NOTD: Essence ‘Walk of Fame’